Developers have vowed to press on with plans to revive Hoxton’s Lions Club after gathering a petition of 1,200 signatures supporting the development, despite concerns raised by the local residents on Monday.
The plans have attracted criticism from residents of Charles Square and Pitfield estates, who argue the developers are more concerned with the 22 new flats planned over six floors above the young persons’ club, rather than preserving the community club that has served the area for 80 years.
The Pitfield Street site requires £50,000 a year to run and, with local authorities reducing funding to just £15,000 this year, the dilapidated building is in desperate need of a significant cash injection.
Mike North of Crondall developers, the company hoping to take on the project, said he can understand the residents’ hesitation considering the history involved in the club, but insisted the majority of the community were behind the proposals.
He said: “Our research shows over 90 per cent of the community support the scheme, but residents’ concerns are valid and if there are misconceptions we have to work hard to change them.”
“We understand change can be scary; some of these residents probably went to the club as children. But this centre is in terminal decline. If the centre is to continue it has to make money. We want to make sure the legacy continues for another 80 years.”
Hoxton councillor Carole Williams said she sympathised with the residents’ concerns, but supported the plans. She said: “There has been a lot of development in Shoreditch recently and residents are anxious to make sure we get it right. The developers are doing a good job of listening to locals’ concerns to ensure the club is here for a lot longer.”
The planning process is in its fourth year, with builders unlikely to start work for at least another year.
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